$200.00 USD

One-on-One Coaching to Help you Successfully Implement UDL

One-on-One support to help you step up your teaching.

Your coaching sessions are 90-minutes. Session Descriptions are below:

- Introduction: We will get to know each other and create goals for your coaching sessions. We will discuss your current curriculum and where you find yourself needing support.

- Check In 1: We will check in regarding implementation of the tools we've talked through and evaluate what other tools and support you may need.

- Check In 2: We will check in regarding implementation of the tools we've talked through and evaluate what other tools and support you may need.

- Reflection: We will reflect on your curriculum and the implementation strategies we have used thus far. We will create an actionable plan to maintain high quality curriculum in your classroom that is accessible for all students.

Future packages are available and will be discounted.

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